Get Lit with Mobile Jumbotrons • Modular Video Walls • Live Video • Streaming

Why Jumbotrons (LED Screens) Are A “Green” Alternative To Your MN Event Programs

With each of us striving to reduce our carbon footprint on the earth and leave our ecological system just a little better than we found it, it is critical that you think green in planning your event. Do you really need all the cost, clutter, clean up and pollution of printed programs and promotions? In the end most of them seem to end up on the ground and have to be picked up and hauled away. An outdoor ice fishing event in MN can make for a very messy cleanup.

The solution to this clutter and pollution is renting a  Jumbotron from Fire Up Video. Anything that can be communicated on paper can be communicated better on a Jumbotron! And that big LED Screen creates no waste or clean up! After the cost of paper printing, cleanup and disposal you will find the cost of renting a Jumbotron from Fire Up Video to be almost the same.

In planning and implementing your event always think green, and give the professionals at Fire Up Video a call to learn how reasonably priced a Jumbotron rental really is! Fire Up Video specializes in MN, WI, ND, SD, IL, IA and NB.

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