Get Lit with Mobile Jumbotrons • Modular Video Walls • Live Video • Streaming

Wind & Safety for the SuperFly Video Wall

 Safety is always the first priority for every show we do. And for this, we must pay close attention to the weather. Wind and lightning are the two major factors we need to look for on-site.

Our mobile video screens provide an advantage over traditional LED screens as far as safety procedures. In about a minute, we can lower the screen halfway into the trailer, taking away nearly all of the wind load. And in about five minutes, we can have the video wall completely put away inside the trailer. The trailer also has four outriggers to add extra stability. Compared to other video screens which are built into other structures or rigging and generally cannot come down quickly, our quick-strike mobile screens add an extra layer of protection against strong winds or lightning.

We keep a very close eye on radars and weather reports before the event and while on-site. We make sure to be ready to set the screen down at any moment. And along with the quick tear down, we can also set it back up in about a minute from the halfway down position, and around five minutes if it is completely tucked away. This cannot be done with other modular screens built on a stage or trussing, and provides additional safety for guests at your event. And it decreases the amount of screen downtime compared to more permanent screen setup.

Wind is the most common condition to be aware of. At around 30 MPH we start to get the screen ready to lower, and may bring it down just slightly. And beyond that we will bring in the wings and then lower the screen so it is resting inside the trailer, with about half still sticking out of the roof. If there is enough warning, and we know we won’t be putting the screen back up immediately, we can take the screen apart completely and have everything totally protected. The thing about the wind rating is that once it starts getting to 30 MPH, most events will get delayed or canceled, or there are very few people out anyway. So in these conditions, the screen at full height is probably the least of your worries. In the scenario that we have to lower the screen halfway and the event continues, we can also continue to play content on the screen, and just play it on the smaller top half of the screen only.

Beyond wind, lightning is really only the other weather factor to be aware of. If there is lightning in the area, we also need to lower the screen at least halfway, although you likely have other issues to worry about. Other than wind and lightning, our screens play rain or shine (or snow). Most weather conditions won’t stop our screens from running, even temporarily. But typically, if they do need to be put on pause, most everything else with the event is on pause anyway, and other LED screens would be in the same position.

Another safety feature is the ability to display weather warnings and alerts on the big screen. This way we can help communicate if there is severe weather, or any other messages, that need to be dispersed to your audience. Along with weather safety, we take other safety items very seriously. We know nothing else matters if the screen isn’t safe. Which is why we take every precaution to make sure everything on our end is as safe as possible for us and all those attending the event.

If you have any questions about safety or weather precautions, please call us at 612-759-1012 or email us at baum3@earthlink.net.

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