Get Lit with Mobile Jumbotrons • Modular Video Walls • Live Video • Streaming

LED Video Screen Rental for Frankfort, Kentucky Events

Rent a Jumbotron Video Wall for Events in Frankfort, KY

If you are planning an event in the Kentucky capital of Frankfort, you are probably looking for a way to stand out from all the others. At Fire Up Video, we have a solution that we have been offering to events for over ten years. We provide jumbotron screen rentals for events in Kentucky to help create a better experience for all attendees.

With our fleet of four mobile LED screens, consisting of two 8.5×15 foot screens as well as two 12×19 foot screens. Our mobile screens set up quickly and tower over the crowd to display your content for everyone to see. Our LED walls provide a bright, clear, picture in direct sunlight or at night. We can help display any content to your viewers, including live video feeds, sponsor ads, show schedules, slideshows, movies, event announcements, live television, abstract graphics, video games, social media feeds, scoreboards, or just about anything you want to show to your audience.

Our portable big screens have been at events of all kinds across the country. Our video wall screens have been rented for events such as sporting events, concerts, expos, marathons, corporate events, business meetings, festivals, charities, fundraisers, trade shows, tailgating, graduations, family gatherings, movie showings, races, political rallies, and more. All these events can benefit from the use of a jumbotron screen. It is a great way to both entertain and inform your audience throughout the event and create a memorable experience that will keep them coming back for future events.

Fire Up Video offers jumbotron video board rentals for events in Frankfort, KY, as well as other states such as Tennessee, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Colorado, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and more. For more information, please contact us at 612-759-1012 or baum3@earthlink.net.

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