LED Lessons: Explaining Viewing Distance for LED Screens
- Published on Thursday, 31 December 2020 09:15
- Fire Up Video
What is “Viewing Distance” in Reference to LED Screens? In the simplest terms, viewing distance refers to the distance that a viewer is from a video wall. The actual viewing distance can be broken into the minimum viewing distance, best viewing distance, and farthest viewing distance. It is not an exact science, as it is […]
Mobile Jumbotron for Donald Trump and Joe Biden Rallies
- Published on Tuesday, 29 December 2020 09:15
- Fire Up Video
LED Video Screens for Democrat and Republican Campaign Events Like most election years, our screens were busy once again on the campaign trail. Elections can be a crazy time, and this year was no exception. And due to the pandemic and social distancing, campaigns had to get a little more creative this year. Crowds were […]
Mobile LED Video Screen Rental for Race Events
- Published on Thursday, 17 December 2020 09:15
- Fire Up Video
Rent a Jumbotron LED Screen for Racing Events Races of all kinds have grown to become very large events that draw in thousands of people (once we are able to gather in large crowds again, hopefully not too far away). This could include NASCAR, marathons, horse races, bicycles, running, car or other vehicle races, and […]
LED Lessons: What is Pixel Pitch? And How Does it Relate to Screen Resolution?
- Published on Tuesday, 08 December 2020 09:15
- Fire Up Video
What is Pixel Pitch? Pixel pitch is a term in the LED screen industry that helps describe the distance between LED pixels. It tells the distance (in millimeters) between the center of one LED bulb or cluster to the center of the adjacent cluster. Simply, it is the gap between LEDs, or the blank space […]
A Picture/Video is Worth One Thousand Words
- Published on Tuesday, 10 November 2020 09:15
- Fire Up Video
Use Video to Connect With Your Audience at Events We’re all familiar with the phrase “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Well, how many words is a video worth? Using our mobile LED screens to play content is one of the most exciting and effective ways to communicate with the crowd at your event. […]
LED Lessons: Understanding Aspect Ratio
- Published on Thursday, 05 November 2020 09:15
- Fire Up Video
What is an Aspect Ratio? Aspect ratio refers to the ratio of width to height of a screen, represented by Width:Height. It defines the shape of the display, with the most common aspect ratios of 4:3, 16:9, and 21:9. So for a 16:9 ratio, that means that for 16 parts wide, there are 9 equal […]
LED Video Screen Rentals in Grand Rapids, Michigan
- Published on Tuesday, 03 November 2020 09:15
- Fire Up Video
Rent a Jumbotron Video Screen in Grand Rapids, MI Grand Rapids is the second largest city in Michigan, behind only Detroit. With well over one million residents in the area, Grand Rapids is home to many, with even more visiting the city every year. Because of the high level of tourism and large population, Grand […]
The Importance of Live Events and Concerts During a Pandemic
- Published on Thursday, 29 October 2020 09:15
- Fire Up Video
What Live Concerts Mean During Coronavirus This summer we were part of a series of live concert drive-in events in Burnsville, MN. We had our mobile LED screens on each side of the stages so guests could drive into the venue and enjoy the show from the safety of their vehicles while still getting a […]
Rent Jumbotron LED Screens for Winter Events in Any Weather
- Published on Tuesday, 27 October 2020 09:15
- Fire Up Video
LED Mobile Screens for Events in Snow and Rain Every year around this time, we like to make our annual reminder that our screens work outdoors in all four seasons. With the recent snowstorm that has come early this year, we just like to remind our customers that our mobile LED screens work just fine […]